Your 'Star Wars' loving child might actually be a Jedi. Here's why.

Amy Schwabe
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Daisy Ridley and John Boyega evade stormtroopers in a scene from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

"Star Wars" was ubiquitous when we were kids. Now, with the release of the new batch of movies, "Star Wars" is just as popular with our kids as it was with us.

In fact, it sometimes seems like we live with Jedi in disguise! Here are 5 reasons your child might secretly be a Jedi.

1. You seem to give in to your child's wishes more often than you mean to, making you think you're the victim of a Jedi mind trick.

2. When you're searching for important missing items, it seems like your house is filled with many more plastic light sabers than things that are actually that second mitten, lunchbox or snow boot.

3. In the words of Obi Wan Kenobi, your kids "always tell the truth...from a certain point of view."

4. Your children seem to use the words of Yoda against you quite a bit --

You: We'll try our best to get a chance to go to Chuck E. Cheese during Christmas vacation.

Your little Jedi: "Do or do not. There is no try."

5. Sometimes communication with your child feels like it's as difficult as if you were trying to speak with someone from "a galaxy far, far away."